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City Church wouldn’t exist without the generosity and faithfulness of so many.

If you’d like to partner with us in reaching our city and region with the love and message of Jesus Christ then simply click below to give online.


Thank you in advance for your support and generosity.

If you are a UK Tax payer, please don’t forget to Gift Aid your giving.

You can fill out a gift aid declaration form via the link at the bottom of this page.


thank you

Electronic Giving

(through your bank)

One of the best ways to give to City Church is to set up a regular standing order, or make direct bank payments.


You can use the details below to set up your giving with your online banking.


Bank: Santander                    

Account Name: City Church Trust

Sort code: 09-01-54               

Account No: 72563289

You can now give to City Church online. â€‹


We would love you to use this system for one-off gifts and donations. 


CLICK HERE to give online.


Gift Aid

If you are a UK tax payer you can increase your giving to City Church (our charity name) through Gift Aid. This enables us to can claim back 25p of tax for every £1 you give.


Simply complete a one-off declaration using our online form, or ask our treasurer for a paper copy.   




If you have any questions regarding Gift Aid, please contact our treasurer:

Graham Earnshaw on 07912225485 


If you wish to give using cash, you can place it in the offering basket on Sunday mornings, when we meet in church.


May we suggest that you put money to one side each week, ready to give.


If you’re signed up to Gift Aid please keep placing your cash or cheques in your numbered envelopes.


You can see Graham Earnshaw (our treasurer) for more details:


If you prefer to give by cheque you can post these to:


City Church.

c/o 28, Palmerston Road

Mossley Hill


L18 8AJ.

Contact details

Jubilee Drive, Kensington,



L7 8SL​​



© City Church is affiliated to

Elim Pentecostal Church as an Elim Church Incorporated (ECI)

Registered Charity No 701792

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